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Vetro Sensoriale

The Passion Of Christ Triptych

The Passion Of Christ Triptych

Materials: Extra-Light Crystal / Opal Glass The Passion Of Christ Triptych by Adam Cinquanta

Triptych "The Passion of Christ"

Triptych "The Passion of Christ"

Material: Extra-Light Crystal Christ is pensive, sad and his expression suggests full awareness of the drama that is about to be fulfilled. The almost ethereal face is placed on a panel of black opal glass that symbolizes death, betrayal, a gloomy shadow that will soon come upon the Son of Man but also on the whole of humanity.

Triptych "The Passion of Christ"

Triptych "The Passion of Christ"

Material: Extra-Light Crystal The bust made of glass casting depicts Christ in the Garden of Olives with suffering expression, waiting for his destiny to be fulfilled. The drama of the moment is accentuated by the glass flows that transmit with great intensity the human suffering of Jesus.

triptych "The Passion of Christ"

triptych "The Passion of Christ"

Material: Opal Glass The face of the dead Christ is made of black / purple opal glass fusion which accentuates its drama; the trickles of the glass pouring and the jagged edge of the figure refer to all the sufferings Christ suffered before dying. But the face is set on a white panel; it is the light of the resurrection that overcomes death and will save us

Glass Trophy

Glass Trophy

Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta

Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta

Feet of the Ballerina

Feet of the Ballerina

Material: Green Glass



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta



Material: Green Glass



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta

Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta

Homage to a Fountain

Homage to a Fountain

Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta



Vetrosensoriale by Adam Cinquanta

Andrea Rana - Face of the Musician

Andrea Rana - Face of the Musician

Material: Glass

Created by Jeremy Foster
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