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The Church

Santa Maria Della Neve (Saint Marie of the Snow)  is a romanesque church of modest size dating back to the XIII th century, when as a church of Santa Maria in Prato it was taxed by the papacy in the "talia" of 1261 (among the Lodigian ecclesiastical institutions). The oldest fresco dated back to the XV th century, and three dating back to 1614. The church was expanded in 1958 by don Francesco Acerbi, and the walls left barren until don Spini, who arrived in Santa Maria in Prato in 1986, passionate about sacred art and symbolism, took care of the arrangement of the building, opening windows, lateral spaces and restoring floors. Recently, a series of wonderful frescoes by Savarè have been completed, with statues by Rudelli, as well as two valuable windows , a mosaic, and a rose window by Adam Cinquanta.


Adam Cinquanta contributed to the restauration project by intricately designing two windows, a rose window, and a mosaic. 

One of these windows represents Mary carrying Jesus, wearing her red dress, is mirroring the medieval painting of her wearing the same red dress, carrying Christ.

The second window depicts Saint Pancras, the patron saint of children, jobs, and health.

The Windows

The rose window

Adam Cinquanta contributed to the restauration project by intricately designing two windows, a rose window, and a mosaic. 

One of these windows represents Mary carrying Jesus, wearing her red dress, is mirroring the medieval painting of her wearing the same red dress, carrying Christ.

The second window depicts Saint Pancras, the patron saint of children, jobs, and health.

Adam Cinquanta contributed to the restauration project by intricately designing two windows, a rose window, and a mosaic. 

One of these windows represents Mary carrying Jesus, wearing her red dress, is mirroring the medieval painting of her wearing the same red dress, carrying Christ.

The second window depicts Saint Pancras, the patron saint of children, jobs, and health.

After almost a decade of drafts and reflections, here is finally ready the new rose window for the facade of the church Sanctae Mariae ad Nives. 
The rosette will consist of a large artistic glass bound by lead. 
The various glass pieces will be engraved and hand-painted with the ancient medieval technique of "grisaille" and firing.
The project was presented on 02 August 2014 on the occasion of the main celebration in Santa Maria in Prato at the Santa Maria della Neve church.
A first phase of restyling work on the external rose window ended on 05.13.15.
The new rose window was installed on 08.01.15, exactly one year after its presentation.

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